Kamis, 30 Agustus 2018

Georgia... We are the champion....

First time he goes to abroad... he took his team to race. Folklore... the kind of dance that I even understand now. I remember when I was 4 months pregnant and danced Indian dance for an interdisciplinary meeting at my office ... and it turned out that now she was also dancing.
And he came home with a second prize... الحمد لله... i always pray for you sons... Mas Alif and Kenji...
Being a child who is pious, happy, successful, bestowed with fortune and become a spreader of Islam in the world... آمين أمين أمين يا ربال الأمين....

Nb. last post... He went to Georgia in June-July 2018... But I always remember it, sons...

الحمد لله terus berprestasi ya, son

when i was young... its about 16 years old... ouuu, and how old am i now ?👵